标签 - Happy New Year

? Happy New Year ? ? 2015 ?    2015-01-01 03:32:36    617    5    7

2015年的钟声即将敲响, Leanote感谢有大家的陪伴, 祝大家新年快乐!!

Leanote刚好也一岁了, 在这一年中, Leanote从一个想法到实现, 从一个人到一个团队. 这一路走来, 我们都在坚持着, 感谢有你的陪伴, 让我们更有力量!

Leanote始终围绕着让知识编辑更简单, 让分享更加便捷的想法, 让Leanote成为一个知识管理与个人展示的平台的理念一直在不断完善, 新的一年, 我们会继续努力!

Leanote开源, Ta属于每一个人, 我们期待喜欢Ta的朋友加入Leanote团队和我们一起不断完善Ta.

最后, 再次祝大家新年快乐!

Happy New Year! We are so glad to have you here!

Leanote is  one years old. From idea to product, from one person to a team. We are growing, slowly but surely. During this year, you make us powerful to do the amazing work. Thank you.

In the new year, We will keep focus on our faith: manage knowledge more easier and share the ideas more convenient. Make leanote an awesome personal plateform is what we are fightng for.

Leanote is a open source project, you are welcome to be a part of our team, improve leanote together with us.

Again, Best wishes to our dearest friends!!

Leanote Team
